Animal Crossing New Horizons Guide : How to Get Iron Nuggets Fast?

Animal Crossing New Horizons Guide : How to Get Iron Nuggets Fast?


In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, iron nuggets serve as a valuable resource for crafting various tools, furniture, and bridges. If you find yourself in need of iron nuggets and want to expedite your gathering process, this blog post will provide you with some efficient methods to obtain them quickly. Let's dive into the world of resource hunting and maximize your iron nugget collection!

1. Utilize the Mystery Island Tours:

Grab your Nook Miles Tickets and head to mystery island tours. Once there, you may encounter islands that are rich with rocks, providing ample opportunities to mine for iron nuggets. Remember to bring a sturdy shovel or an axe to hit the rocks and maximize your harvest. Aim to hit each rock as rapidly as possible without bouncing back to maximize your yield.

2. Visit Friends' Islands:

Networking is key in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Reach out to friends or visit online communities where players open their islands for visitors. On these islands, you can find rocks to mine for iron nuggets. Remember to be respectful and ask for permission before harvesting resources on someone else's island.

3. Time Travel:

While controversial among players, time travel can be utilized to speed up your resource gathering process. By changing your Nintendo Switch system's date, you can revert to previous days in the game. This allows rocks to regenerate on your island, giving you the opportunity to mine for iron nuggets again and restock your inventory.

4. Utilize Nook's Cranny:

Check Nook's Cranny's daily offerings for any tools or items that can help you gather iron nuggets. Sometimes, a flimsy axe or shovel may break during the gathering process. By purchasing or crafting backups, you can continue mining without interruption and maximize your iron nugget collection.

5. Hit Rocks Strategically:

When attempting to gather iron nuggets from rocks on your island, position yourself properly to minimize recoil. Stand in line with the rocks and dig holes behind your character to prevent being pushed backward. This way, you can hit the rocks more times and get the most out of each one.


With these strategies in mind, you're well-equipped to embark on an iron nugget gathering spree in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Whether you choose to explore mystery islands, visit friends' islands, or utilize time travel,maximizing your efforts will yield bountiful results. Remember to strike rocks strategically and utilize the resources available to you. Soon, you'll have all the iron nuggets needed for crafting and expanding your island paradise. Happy gathering!

Nov 16, 2023