Top 3 Weapons for Beginners to Start Escape from Tarkov

Top 3 Weapons for Beginners to Start Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov is a game simulating combat in a post-apocalyptic setting, with various weapons for survival and fighting against players and AI enemies. Not all weapons are equally effective or accessible, especially for beginners with limited resources and experience. Choosing the right weapon at the start can greatly impact your success and enjoyment.

In this blog post, I will list the top 3 weapons for beginners to start Escape from Tarkov, based on their availability, affordability, performance, and versatility. I will also explain the features and benefits of each weapon, and how to use them effectively.

This is a bolt-action rifle that fires 7.62x54mmR rounds, which are powerful and cheap. The Mosin has a high accuracy and penetration, which means it can kill most enemies with one or two shots, even if they wear armor. The Mosin is also one of the cheapest weapons in the game, and can be easily found on the market or on enemy corpses. The Mosin is a great weapon for beginners who want to deal high damage and save money. However, the Mosin also has some drawbacks, such as a low rate of fire, a small magazine capacity, and a loud noise. Therefore, you need to aim carefully, reload frequently, and avoid close-range combat with the Mosin.

This is a semi-automatic shotgun that fires 12x70mm shells, which are effective and versatile. The MP-153 has a high rate of fire and a large magazine capacity, which means it can fire multiple shots quickly and continuously. The MP-153 can also use different types of shells, such as buckshot, slugs, or flechettes, which can deal different types of damage and effects to different targets. The MP-153 is a great weapon for beginners who want to have a flexible and reliable weapon for various situations. However, the MP-153 also has some drawbacks, such as a low accuracy and range, and a high recoil. Therefore, you need to adjust your aim, distance, and ammo type according to the situation with the MP-153.

This is an assault rifle that fires 5.45x39mm rounds, which are common and affordable. The AK-74M has a moderate damage and penetration, which means it can deal with most enemies without much trouble. The AK-74M also has a decent rate of fire and a good magazine capacity, which means it can sustain fire for a long time. The AK-74M is a great weapon for beginners who want to have a balanced and consistent weapon for most scenarios. However, the AK-74M also has some drawbacks, such as a high recoil and a low accuracy. Therefore, you need to control your fire, mod your weapon, and aim for the head with the AK-74M.

These are the top 3 weapons for beginners to start Escape from Tarkov that can enhance your gameplay experience and performance. However, finding these weapons can be challenging, as they are in high demand and may be out of stock or overpriced. Therefore, you may want to use other alternatives that are similar or better than these weapons, if you can afford or find them.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about Escape from Tarkov and its weapons. Thank you for reading!

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