Elden Ring Guide: Unlocking the Mysterious Mushroom Armor Set

One of Elden Ring's best-designed armor sets is the mushroom set. Here is the location of it.

There are a few odd pieces of armor in Elden Ring, but nothing quite as peculiar as the Mushroom set. The costume makes the wearer resemble an ancient tree stump covered in lichen and fungus, which is only fitting. The Mushroom armor set offers good resistances but not particularly strong damage mitigation.

The Mushroom set has a total of five pieces, as opposed to other armor sets, which typically have four. The Mushroom Crown, the fifth item, is purchased separately and can be worn in place of the regular Mushroom headgear. The crown is nonetheless regarded as being a part of the same set despite having a somewhat different appearance.

Where to Find the Mushroom Armor Set

The Mushroom set is located in Seethewater Cave in Mt. Gelmir, a tiny volcanic area that is situated north of Liurnia of the Lakes and west of the Altus Plateau. The actual cave may be found beneath the Minor Erdtree, just northeast of Volcano Manor and northwest of Gelmir Hero's Grave. It's important to remember that before you may access Mount Gelmir, you must first activate the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Starting in the Altus Plateau Site of Grace and traveling north via the Lux Ruins and the Erdtree-Gazing Hill is the quickest route to the cave. Turn left when you get to the Wyndham Ruins, and continue until you get to the Seethewater River. From here, you can access Seethewater Cave by simply following the river north through the ravine.

You'll require two Stonesword Keys to open the cave's entrance, so make sure you have some on hand. There are several different types of opponents in the cave, including slugs, mushroom people, and poisoned dirt. Here, poison resistance is essential, so be ready. Up until you find a room with a Giant Miranda Sprout, explore the cave. Just behind the large plant is where you may find the Mushroom armor set. After equipping the Mushroom outfit, you'll find that exploring the rest of the cave will be considerably simpler because it has the highest Immunity in the game.

Where to find the Mushroom Crown

Even though it offers significantly stronger Robustness and Immunity than the standard headpiece, the Mushroom Crown has even worse damage negation. More than anything else, you'll probably want the crown for its appearance. Under Raya Lucaria, in the Lake of Rot, is where you can find the crown.

It can be challenging to reach the Lake of Rot because it needs completing Ranni's mission first. Once that is finished, you can travel to Renna's Rise in Liurnia of the Lakes' northern region and use the waygate to reach Ainsel River Main. From there, follow the river downstream until you reach the Lake of Rot, passing by the ruins and the Nosktella Site of Grace. Before you enter the lake, be certain that you have a strategy for dealing with Scarlet Rot.

You should move to the southeast part of the region from the Lake of Rot Shoreline Site of Grace. There aren't many distinguishing features in the area, but once you find the submerged ruins, you'll know you're in the proper spot. The Mushroom Crown is on a corpse that is hanging from a pillar at the top of the collapsed structure.

I hope this guide will help you in the game!

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