Dickson departs right in the middle of development of Madden NFL 19
Each August, a new Madden NFL releases, and each year Madden fans know exactly what they're getting. But that could be changing.
After six years as the creative director on the series, Rex Dickson has announced his departure from Electronic Arts, saying that it presents an opportunity to do something new with the popular football franchise, and to take it in a new “direction.”
Dickson notably worked on the Madden NFL series from Madden NFL 13 to the most recent release, Madden NFL 18. The developer also spent time on the Medal of Honor series during his tenure at E3, and has a portfolio headlined by the NCAA Football series, Turok, and Homefront.
Interestingly, Dickson departs right in the middle of development of Madden NFL 19. Being the creative lead, this would seemingly have a substantial impact on the game, but whether this is the case or not in reality, can't be known. Leaving halfway through a game rather than at the end of it seems to suggest there would be more going on under the surface, but Dickson notes there wasn't. Bizzare, nonetheless.
What this will mean for Madden NFL going forward, who knows. There's a good chance it will mean nothing, and the series will continue the course as previously planned. Or it's also possibly for a new creative lead to come in shake things up, given that EA permits such changes.
Madden NFL 19 has yet to be formally announced, but should be soon, given that August, it's usual release window, is only a few months away. Perhaps we will get a reveal in the build-up to E3 2018, or perhaps at the actual trade-show. Presumably, Madden NFL 19 is in development for PS4 and Xbox One.
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