Fennec Decals and Designs: Showcasing Your Style on the Field

Rocket League is more than just goals and great saves; it's also a canvas for self-expression and creativity. With the sleek and unique design of the Fennec tank, players have an engaging platform to express their individuality with decals and designs. In this in-depth guide, we'll explore the world of Fennec decals and designs, from customization to aesthetics, so you can truly stand out on the field.

Deciphering the Aesthetic Potential of the Fennec Fox

Unique ear design

Fennec's slender aerodynamic bodywork provides a unique canvas for customization. Its flat surface and curved edges create the perfect backdrop for a variety of decals and designs. Players can transform Fennec into the embodiment of their personal style, whether bold and vibrant or sleek and minimal.

customization options

Rocket League offers countless customization options to enhance the look of your Fennec Fox, including:

Decals: Choose from a range of decals, each changing the look of your car with unique patterns, colors and artwork .
Paint Finishes: Add a touch of gloss or matte texture to your Fennec with different paint finishes.
Wheels: Choose wheels that complement your chosen decal and color scheme to add the finishing touch to your design.
Antenna and Top Hat: Personalize your Fennec even further with the antenna and top hat to showcase your favorite teams, games or themes.

Create your auricle masterpiece

Choose the right decal

Choosing the perfect decal is the cornerstone of Fennec design. Consider factors such as color coordination, patterns, and personal preferences. Some decals may cover the entire car, while others provide a more subtle touch.

color coordination

Experiment with different color combinations to create a harmonious and visually striking design. Consider using the primary and secondary colors of the decal of your choice to match other custom elements such as wheels and enhancements.

show your creativity

Fennec's designs offer opportunities for creative expression. Some players opt for clean and minimal designs, while others go all out with intricate patterns and vibrant color schemes. Whether your goal is elegance, humor, or a nod to your favorite pop culture, your fennec fox can tell a unique story on the field.

Show your style on the field

stand out in the competition

Your custom designed fennec fox is not just a piece of art, it's a way to grab the attention of your opponents and make a lasting impression. As you score goals, make saves and execute stylish plays, your Fennec designs become an integral part of the game's visual storytelling.

share your creativity

Rocket League's vibrant community loves to celebrate creativity. Share your fennec fox designs on social media, forums, and the Rocket League community to inspire others and receive feedback from other players. Your designs might even spark new trends or collaborations.

In Rocket League, your vehicle isn't just a vehicle, it's an extension of your personality and creativity. Fennec's stylish designs and customization options provide a playground for your imagination, allowing you to build a car that reflects your style, preferences and passions. Whether your design goal is to exude elegance, humor or vibrant energy, Fennec's decals and designs allow you to express your unique identity and stand out on the court like never before.

Aug 9, 2023