The Ultimate Guide to the Best Ladder Season 3 Venom Bow Assassin Build in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Diablo 2 Resurrected has brought back the classic gameplay of Diablo 2 to modern gaming platforms, and with it, the nostalgia of players who enjoyed the original game. The ladder season 3 has introduced new challenges and rewards, and players are looking for the best builds to tackle them. One of the most popular builds for the Assassin class in ladder season 3 is the Venom Bow build.

The Venom Bow build is an effective build that focuses on utilizing the Venom skill from the Assassin’s skill tree. The Venom skill adds poison damage to attacks, and when combined with the Bow skill tree, the build can deal massive amounts of damage over time. Here are the key features of the Venom Bow Assassin Build:

  1. 1. Skills The Venom Bow Assassin Build relies heavily on the Venom skill, which is a level 1 skill in the Assassin’s skill tree. Venom adds poison damage to melee attacks, and it stacks over time. The more hits you land, the more poison damage your target will take. To maximize the use of Venom, the build also invests in the Bow skill tree, specifically the Guided Arrow skill, which allows you to hit multiple targets with each shot. Other key skills to invest in are Burst of Speed for mobility and Shadow Warrior for added damage.

  2. 2. Gear The Venom Bow Assassin Build requires specific gear to maximize its potential. The most important item is the Witchwild String bow, which adds +1 to all skills, increases attack speed, and most importantly, adds a level 9 Poison Nova skill to your attacks. The Poison Nova skill spreads poison damage to surrounding enemies, which makes it an effective tool for crowd control. Other recommended gear includes the Treachery runeword armor, which adds faster hit recovery and fade, and the Gorerider boots, which adds deadly strike and crushing blow.

  3. 3. Playstyle The Venom Bow Assassin Build is a highly mobile build that requires players to constantly move around and shoot from a distance. The key to the build is to land as many hits as possible to stack the poison damage. To do this, players should use the Guided Arrow skill to hit multiple targets at once. Additionally, the build relies heavily on poison damage over time, so players should focus on avoiding direct confrontations with enemies and instead rely on kiting tactics to whittle down their health.

In conclusion, the Venom Bow Assassin Build is an effective and fun build for players looking to tackle the ladder season 3 challenges in Diablo 2 Resurrected. With its focus on poison damage, mobility, and crowd control, the build offers a unique and rewarding playstyle. With the right gear and skill investment, players can maximize their damage potential and take on even the toughest enemies. So, grab your bow and start shooting, Assassin!

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Mar 8, 2023