Unleash Your Inner Samurai: Top 5 Weapon Builds in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is a highly anticipated Action RPG developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco. With its unique blend of fantasy elements and traditional Japanese folklore, the game has already garnered a lot of attention from gamers and critics alike.

One of the most exciting aspects of Elden Ring is the ability to create and customize your own samurai character. With a variety of weapons and armor to choose from, players can customize their playstyle to suit their personal preferences.

In this article, we'll take a look at the top 5 samurai skins (weapons) in Elden Ring.

  1. 1. Katana Build: A classic katana is a must-have for all samurai lovers. Its quick attacks and graceful movements make it an ideal weapon for players who prefer a more agile, hit-and-run style of play. With its high damage output and fast attack speed, the katana is perfect for taking down enemies quickly and efficiently.

  2. 2. Spear Crafting: The spear is a multifunctional weapon that can be used for both offense and defense. Spears have a long range and the ability to poke enemies from a distance, making them great for keeping enemies at bay while dealing damage. Additionally, the spear's powerful thrusting attack can penetrate enemy defenses, making it a formidable weapon against heavily armored enemies.

  3. 3. Bow Build: While not strictly a melee weapon, the bow is a valuable tool for any samurai build. With its ability to deal damage from afar, the bow is great for taking out enemies before they can get close. Additionally, the bow's Charged shots can deal massive damage to even the toughest foes.

  4. 4. Dual Wield Build: For players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle, the dual wield build is an excellent choice. With two weapons at their disposal, players can unleash a flurry of quick attacks that deal massive damage. Additionally, the dual wield build is great for parrying enemy attacks, making it a useful tool for both offense and defense.

  5. 5. Ax Build: While not the most traditional samurai weapon, the ax is a powerful tool that can deal massive damage to enemies. With its wide swings and heavy strikes, the ax is great for taking out groups of enemies quickly. Additionally, the Axe's strong attacks can break through enemy shields, making it a valuable tool against heavily armored foes.

In conclusion, Elden Ring offers a wide variety of weapons and armor to choose from, allowing players to create their own unique samurai builds. Whether you prefer a nimble katana build or a powerful ax build, there's something for everyone in Elden Ring. So gear up, samurai, and get ready to take on the challenges of the Ring.

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May 4, 2023